CAT FENCE-IN™ Barrier Kits Contain
- One roll black polypropylene netting with UV inhibitors manufactured to our specifications. The netting attachment edge wraps easily around corners. Scissors are used to cut the netting only where it terminates against a gate or building.
- Gray powder coated steel brackets, one for every 8 ft. of netting. For example, the S-24 STRATO Barrier Kit has 4 brackets; the S-56 has 8; and the S-104 has 14 brackets.
- Adjustable vertical rods with attachment hardware for each bracket are included in COMBINATION kits.
- Custom hardware and special twist ties for attachment. If two or more kits are needed, they are easily joined to one another with twist tie connectors.

Combination Barrier Kit
Keeps your cat in your yard and stray cats out. Works on any height fence from 3 ft. on up.
Brackets are mounted above netting and extend 16 inches into the yard. Adjustable vertical rods attach to the end of the brackets and angle upward 20 inches.
The COMBINATION barrier works on any tall or short fence. It adds 20 inches of height to an existing fence. When a cat jumps over a short fence he first jumps or climbs to the top. The COMBINATION barrier prevents the cat from jumping or climbing to the top of the fence because the netting is between the cat and his landing place.
C-24 | Covers 24 ft. | $105.00 |
C-56 | Covers 56 ft. | $175.00 |
C-104 | Covers 104 ft. | $285.00 |

Strato Barrier Kit
Keeps your cat in your yard only. Works on any fence taller than 5 ft.
The STRATO barrier extends out 16 inches and the netting hangs down 20 inches. The hanging netting is secured to the fence every 8 ft. with twist tie to keep it stationary.
If you have high obstacles close to your fence such as planters, wood piles, air conditiong units, hot tubs, etc., use the COMBINATION barrier in that area. COMBINATION and STRATO barriers can be joined together.
A cat can jump 5 ft.. If you wish to keep stray cats out or your fence is 5 ft. or shorter, order the COMBINATION barrier which works on any height fence.
S-24 | Covers 24 ft. | $80.00 |
S-56 | Covers 56 ft. | $135.00 |
S-104 | Covers 104 ft. | $220.00 |

Tree Guard Netting Kit
Prevents cats from climbing trees or utility poles. Install 5 ft. or higher.
Cats can climb trees, go out on overhanging branches, drop down on a roof top or fence, and exit a yard. The TREE GUARD prevents this. Use them on trees with branches that are close to fence or house roof. The illustration shows two different ways it can be installed.
The TREE GUARD is fastened with twist ties to a pole or tree with or without branches. No screws or nails are used.
Tree guards have adjustable attachment banding at top and bottom. They draw together like a drawstring bag.
Tree guards may be joined together for trees over 9 ft. in circumference.
T-10 | For tree trunks up to 6 ft. in circumference. | $40.00 |
T-15 | For tree trunks over 6 ft. and up to 9 ft. in circumference. | $45.00 |

Gate Kit
One is needed for each gate. It closes the gap at the gate opening. If a cat sees any gap in our system, no matter how slight, he will try to get through it.
The gate kits contain three special offset brackets and hardware for any gate situation. When mounted ridged at the gate opening, one on the gate and one on the fence beside it and the gate is closed, the brackets come against one another leaving no gap.
An illustrated instruction booklet in each kit show the placement of brackets on all gate configurations.
Order one gate kit for a single walk gate.
For double gates that swing into your yard, order one gate kit.
For double gates that swing away from your yard, order two gate kits.
GATE KITS do not include netting. When measuring a fence for netting barrier kits, include gates in measurement.
C-2 | For Combination Kit | $40.00 |
S-1 | For Strato Kit | $30.00 |

If you need extra parts, no need to buy the entire kit.
Attatchment hardware included at NO COST.
STRATO BRACKET……………………$8.00


N-24 NETTING (Covers 24 feet) ……….$50.00

N-56 NETTING (Covers 56 feet) ……….$79.00

N-104 NETTING (Covers 104 feet) ……$125.00